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November 28, 2023

Safety First: How Rockleigh Tours Sets the Standard in Safe Travel

Safety First: How Rockleigh Tours Sets the Standard in Safe Travel

:In an industry where safety is paramount, Rockleigh Tours stands out for its exceptional commitment to ensuring every journey is as safe as it can be. From meticulously maintained vehicles to highly trained staff, our approach to safety is comprehensive and uncompromising. In this blog, we delve into the various aspects of our safety protocol that make Rockleigh Tours a leader in secure transportation.

Lifesaving Equipment on Board: Rockleigh Tours takes an innovative approach to safety by being the only company to equip all vehicles with Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). These lifesaving devices can be crucial in emergency situations, providing peace of mind for passengers and crew alike.

Driver Safety Measures: Every journey begins with a thorough pre-trip inspection by our drivers, ensuring both the vehicle and driver are fit for the road. Our adoption of electronic fatigue management systems further underscores our commitment to safe driving practices, significantly reducing the risk of accidents due to driver fatigue.

Maintenance and Safety Inspections: Safety is embedded in our operational DNA, reflected in our rigorous vehicle maintenance program. Each vehicle undergoes regular independent safety inspections and audits, exceeding industry standards to ensure reliability and safety on every trip.

Staff Training and Compliance: Our drivers and staff undergo extensive training, including stringent induction programs and ongoing education in safe driving practices. Compliance with safety standards is further ensured through Working with Children checks, guaranteeing a secure environment for all passengers.

Investment in Fleet Upgrades: In the past 24 months alone, Rockleigh Tours has invested over 3 million dollars in upgrading our fleet. This investment not only enhances passenger comfort but also ensures that our vehicles meet the latest safety standards.

Safe Driving Practices: At Rockleigh Tours, safe driving is not just a policy; it's a culture. Our drivers are trained in the latest safe driving techniques, and we continually update our practices to align with new safety research and technologies.

Safety is not just a checklist at Rockleigh Tours; it is an integral part of who we are. Our relentless focus on safety in every aspect of our service ensures that when you choose Rockleigh Tours, you are choosing a travel partner who puts your safety first. Join us for a journey where safety and peace of mind come standard.

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